Sunday, December 13, 2009

Galileo's Advancements to Science

Galileo's Telescope

 -Galileo pioneered "experimental scientific method" and was the first to use a refracting telescope to make important astronomical discoveries.-
Recently, in 1609, Galileo learned of the invention of the telescope in Holland and constructed his own model from the description. Galileo made a series of discoveries using his new telescope, including the moons of the planet Jupiter and the phases of the planet Venus (similar to those of Earth's moon) that helped his support of the heliocentric theory in 1632.

        Galileo's originality and success as a scientist lays in his vast methods of inquiry. But, also in his determination that all great inventors do. This will lead to many more discoveries made by many other scientists on his account. One other famous scientist and mathmetician, Sir Isaac Newton, used one of Galileo's descriptions as the foundation for his newly publishes "First Law of Motion". Thus, the purpose of science, to provide a continuation of knowledge by multiple resources.

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